Fredrik's Doctor gave us the go-ahead to start solids. We decided that he was ready when he howled every time we ate and if he was on our lap he would grab our food and make for his mouth. He's been acting anxious about eating for at least a month already so we decided we had had enough of this waiting business. He;s only getting a tiny bit of food each time, and not even every day, so there's not a substantial amount of calories coming his way, it's more about just tasting.
So, here are some photos of the monumental first food. We boiled some carrots grown here on the August Earth farm. He loved them, we actually limited his intake to about a teaspoon. Sadly, he later had a little crankiness that seemed to me like indigestion so we ceased the carrot feeding. Now, about 4 days later (my memory is bad so I don't remember when he had the carrots exactly) we have tried banana. He wasn't quite as sure about it, but he was a happy and content boy all evening.
Right now I am waiting for some peas to boil. We have a surplus growing outside so I thought I better get some in the freezer. Wow, labor intensive, but delicious. Picking, washing, shelling, another rinse, cooking (it takes 20 minutes!) and then a quick puree in the food mill (Thanks Betsy!) and they are ready for the ice cube tray. It looks like I am going to get 14 full ice cube-sized portions of peas tonight. Not bad considering he eats a tiny spoonful. I hope to make enough baby food this summer to last through the winter. It's super fun!
I'm glad you like the food mill, I loved it. As he gets a bit older, you can grind up whatever you are eating for him. Morgan tried carrot juice after the surgery and it bothered her stomach too. Maybe too much to start. Squash will be good this fall. Ice cube trays are the best.
Will you make all of my baby food too? Ha ha. Madi has had peas and green beans. Sadly, I have not made my own baby food yet. Maybe I need a nifty food mill like your's. Let's have a baby-food-making party!
Down with Carrot Juice. To be fair it was carrot, celery, apple juice. But still yuck, yuck, yuck.
Be careful how much fun you have, you could end up like my friend Heather in DC:
Take care and get some sleep!
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