Wednesday, December 12, 2007

30 weeks along...10 to go

I haven't posted on my blog for awhile because I've been in a bit of a pregnancy funk. I've felt a little panicky at times, thinking I haven't felt the baby move for awhile and that something must be wrong, of course everytime I lay down to count kicks, he kicks away. Then, I will suddenly feel down and out. Next I will be tired and clumsy, wanting only to go to bed since it is the most comfortable place to be (sitting doesn't feel great, and standing is tiring). More than half of my maternity shirts are too short now, either my flesh or unattractive stretchy maternity pants waist band show. It seems like a waste to buy new ones with only 2 weeks left to wear them. I think I'm feeling blue because I am uncomfortable and I still have over 2 months to go. Thankfully I have some things to look forward to in the meantime. I'm breaking the time up with these milestones: Jessa will have her baby in mid-December, then Christmas, then New Years, next comes a baby shower for Amy and I, birthing classes, then my birthday, shortly after that another baby shower, then Amy will have her baby, at which point, I will nearly be due. So really, it won't be THAT boring of a wait. Perhaps I will get more jigsaw puzzles for Christmas for those days that do drag on.

I had my 30 week appt. today, everything was normal. My uterus measured 31 cm and I gained another 1.6 pounds. The baby's heartbeat was around 150 and she could feel that his head was down and his back along my left side. I had been feeling a fluttering feeling by the head and that was probably the baby putting his hands up by his face. Ahhhhh... I go in at 32 and 34 weeks for the same kind of check-up, then in 6 weeks I get a full exam and more blood tests to prep me for labor. Wow! That's pretty crazy. Wait! I'm not ready! Hopefully I can post some pictures of our niece/nephew to be soon. The picture that Peter just took of me is way to ugly for anyone to view.

1 comment:

Willard Facts said...

Has Pete put on any sympathy weight for you Katy? I hear that kind husbands do that for their wives...